Happiness is not something that you earn or deserve. Happiness is not a moral issue, any more than the circulation of blood is a moral issue. both are necessary for health and well-being. Happiness simply is a state of mind in which you think is Pleasant a good share of the time. you wait until you deserve to think pleasant thoughts you’re likely to think unpleasant thoughts concerning your worthiness. Happiness is not a reward for virtue. However, virtue itself!
We think better perform better and feel better and are healthier when we are happy. even our physical senses work better. People will test it when they are thinking Pleasant and unpleasant thoughts. They found out that when thinking pleasant thoughts they could see better taste smell hear better detect finer differences and touch. One doctor even proved that I cite improved when the individual was thinking pleasant thoughts or visualizing Pleasant scenes. it’s been found out that memory is greatly improved and that your mind relaxes when the subject of thinking pleasant thoughts. Thousand years ago and why King Solomon said it is proverbs a delighted heart that is good like his medicine but a broken spirit dries up the bones. Christianity describes Joy rejoicing thankfulness and cheerfulness as a means towards righteousness and good life.
Harvard studies on the Coalition between happiness and criminality came from the happiness homes a bad had a bad history and happy relationships. Yale University studies show that much of what we call immoral and hostile to others is brought on by our unhappiness. One specialist said that is not happiness is he so cause of a cycle of schematic illness and happiness is only a cure. The very word disease means a state of mind and happiness, recent studies showed that by and large optimists cheerful businessmen who look on the brighter side of things
Happiness is not the reward of virtue! However virtue itself; but, do not allow it happiness because we strain our lust, but, on the contrary, because we Delight in it, we can restrain it
Your opinion can add to unhappiness!
Opinions and conclusions are all thoughts that are affected by our past and how we were trained but other people to arrive at these conclusions. The first seven years of our life, we stay in an altered state a trance. However, we continue to learn from our peers our parents, and those around us, and their thoughts and attitudes towards things shape our thoughts and us.
Any of these teachings for the past create our ego our concept of self and we accept this freely because of so many people saying it repeatedly. Our opinions stop us from considering anything other than what we believe, thus hiding the truth or at least limiting it.
In reality, the ego is our biggest enemy it is always looking for war lastly is always on the defensive. The ego is there to protect us from danger; it cannot distinguish between real or imagined thoughts or feelings. If you are just uncomfortable in some situation, the ego interprets that as danger. This triggers the fight or flight part of our mind in which we reach out to anything that will remove this discomfort as quickly as possible. Regardless of the consequences of these behaviors in the end they have temporarily relieved the suffering is uncomfortableness.
It’s uncomfortable and the fear is negative thoughts especially they create negative energy that energy is out of balance to who we are and can be and want to be. However, that can all change if we are motivated enough to let us concentrate on ways to alleviate this discomfort state. We can use insight into our emotions and, thinking and learn how to change these unconscious habits. Altered states of consciousness I will call a trance state exist in many of us in many different ways some positive and some negative. Many think that we need to be more aware of our thoughts and emotions however, that only makes them more powerful in many ways.
The unconscious mind, which runs about 90% of all that we do or more must, be, retrained and the only way to do that is to do it the way that it learned. By repetition, nothing else will train it or change it. You have been living in a trance state thinking that you’re awake but you’re more asleep than awake in many ways. In my opinion and in my personal experience the only way I believe this can happen is to meditate in such a way that you begin to see the truth. There are many types of meditation but the one most studied and most successful is called insightful meditation. This meditation has been the foundation of most of the studies of Western medicine. Those of us who grew up in America look at meditation and we have preconceived ideas of what it can do or cannot do. we want to break it down to the simplest most effective way to use it. However the study of meditation I think the Western mind is so jaded that it constructed a meditation idea, called mindfulness which leaves out as much of the Eastern Philosophies that this is based upon.
Happiness is within your reach it is not a gift, it is something that belongs to you and always has. all that is necessary for you to have happiness throughout your life is to give up the idea of self and replace that idea with something more encompassing. Within your heart is buried the wisdom of the almighty spirit of the creator of the universe it was put there at your birth and is still there. When you reconnect with that regularly then you will find the peace Harmony and love you seek. This will give you loving kindness for all things generosity you’ll be grateful, not Prideful you will seek to help others not just yourself and you will always try to find things that will work for everyone not just you. The goal is to seek the truth.
May my words go with you always!